Denn schließlich darf bei einem solch tollen Cache kein böses Wort auftauchen, das den Groundspeak’schen Glanz zu trüben vermag und darüber hinaus diese bescheuerte Cache-Idee, ganz im Zeichen des Geocaching-Größenwahns, in Frage stellt. Gut, die Guidelines erlauben mittlerweile einen Cache im Weltall (entgegen meiner Aussage vom 08. Februar 2010), aber trotzdem: Nicht alles, was erlaubt ist, macht auch Sinn!
Die Mehrzahl der Log-Poster stört das allerdings wenig, die fahren total auf die ISS-Geschichte ab (man muss sich fast schon wundern, warum Groundspeak auch die Lobgesangs-Logs löscht
) und posten munter drauf los, wie toll doch so ein Cache mitten im Weltraum sei:
Landei2000 posted a note for International Space Station (Traditional Cache) at 11/18/2013
@Team NarrowBoat don’t you know that this cache is on the ISS [?]
AmyOandThePipster posted a note for International Space Station (Traditional Cache) at 11/18/2013
The cache DOES exist and if my daughter ever makes it to the ISS I want her to be able to log it.
Eddieandeddie posted a note for International Space Station (Traditional Cache) at 11/18/2013
Holy buzzkill Batman. Ought to be called „Team Narrowmind“.
Red Ohmai posted a note for International Space Station (Traditional Cache) at 11/18/2013
Limited edition posted a note for International Space Station (Traditional Cache) at 11/18/2013
Keep the cache active, do not archive the listing of it. Way to cool!
cale115 posted a note for International Space Station (Traditional Cache) at 11/18/2013
I agree! „TeamNarrowMind“ NO IMAGINATION!!! Keep it going Groundspeak!! [:)]
DisGuyHere posted a note for International Space Station (Traditional Cache) at 11/18/2013
TeamNarrowBoat makes a good point. How can it be a valid cache when it is in constant motion, and therefore cannot found using coords?
bbmtc posted a note for International Space Station (Traditional Cache) at 11/18/2013
„Team NarrowMind“… *snicker*
IWillFindIt!! posted a note for International Space Station (Traditional Cache) at 11/18/2013
The cache is on the International Space Station in outer space. I have a feeling that any geocacher that is capable of getting to the International Space Station is capable of finding it. If not, they can log a DNF!
satmum posted a note for International Space Station (Traditional Cache) at 11/18/2013
I will never be able to log this as found but DO NOT ARCHIVE!!!!! It’s the ultimate cache!
IAMTHATHERO posted a note for International Space Station (Traditional Cache) at 11/18/2013
The ISS is moving, not the cache. But then again our planet is moving too. Broaden your horizons this is a good thing!
monistrolencs posted a note for International Space Station (Traditional Cache) at 11/18/2013
I’m pretty sure that if you travel to the ISS you will find it, with or without the exact coordinates…
comisaar posted a note for International Space Station (Traditional Cache) at 11/18/2013
Hey Gals. This is no forum. So please stop posting and delete your notes. Thx
Eddieandeddie posted a note for International Space Station (Traditional Cache) at 11/18/2013
Would I be correct in assuming that the posted coordinates are for the launch point to GET to the ISS? If so, you have to navigate to that spot. Think of a night cache. You navigate to the starting coordinates, and then follow other clues (reflectors, etc.) to find the cache. Groundspeak rules say you just need to navigate to coordinates at some point in the process. What you need to do after that varies. In this case, you need to fly to the ISS. Difficult, yes, but within the rules, IMHO.
rheinflut1995 posted a note for International Space Station (Traditional Cache) at 11/18/2013
This is a T5 with special equipment. Maybe y have to find the right one
Thel2edRanger posted a note for International Space Station (Traditional Cache) at 11/18/2013
Really!? DO NOT archive. I’ll never be able to log this cache but people can. It’s a legit cache. If the GPS coords are what bother you for this particular cache then take a hike. You don’t need coords to get to the ISS in outer space. Do you have your own space shuttle??? Wow…..
collinkaelin posted a note for International Space Station (Traditional Cache) at 11/18/2013 „Geocaches are allowed in space, on other planets and in spacecraft. We have published and will continue to publish cache listings in outer space, such as in the International Space Station or on Mars.“
barbershop2010 posted a note for International Space Station (Traditional Cache) at 11/18/2013
Wow!! This cache didn’t this much traffic when we had the geocache in space day!!! It was great fun. I guess that makes this cache a letterbox??
mispgl posted a note for International Space Station (Traditional Cache) at 11/18/2013
For all the recent confused commenters, please read the FAQ:
Tartan_Terror posted a note for International Space Station (Traditional Cache) at 11/18/2013
I think the idea is cool. Just because I will never have the opportunity of finding this cache does not bug me in the least. Come on guys and girls, it’s a great game we are playing and meant to be fun. Great initiative by Groundspeak and the cache owner/originators. Thanks for placing a cache on the ISS.
htomc42 posted a note for International Space Station (Traditional Cache) at 11/18/2013
>TeamNarrowBoat makes a good point. How can it be a valid cache when it is in constant motion, and therefore cannot found using coords? A good point- perhaps it should have been done as a Mystery cache? For that matter- perhaps it might be worth investigating how to set the coordinates and „home“ for non-terrestrial caches. Perhaps even a name change to „AstroCaching“?
lingbeek posted a note for International Space Station (Traditional Cache) at 11/18/2013
The guidelines are not rules. They are guidelines… Groundspeak has the option to accept a cache that does not strictly meet the guidelines in the traditional way. For this cache an exception has been made. A very welcome exception… I hope to see the first to find log of Rick Mastrachio here very soon. Anyway I had a great event organized to celebrate the trip of a geocacher into space. It is a great thing if this cache is found… I already saw pictures of the travel bug in the ISS… When will the find log be posted? LordBritish. Thanks for creating a cache at a place most of us can only dream of…
Mr Echo posted a note for International Space Station (Traditional Cache) at 11/18/2013
So….why the needs archiving? Is this in your Khazakstan clean-out radius? I agree with others, if u can make it to the ISS then definitely log it as a find. I find this a unique cache that has gotten a ton of POSITIVE attention recently for the geocaching community with a local CT astronaut going to space carrying a TB and logging this cache. Not sure what the harm is and what prompted the archival notice……….. This is meant to be a fun hobby.
Jellybeanzy posted a note for International Space Station (Traditional Cache) at 11/18/2013
I agree, the cache is always moving because the ISS is always moving, but the earth is always moving too.
Alex1311 posted a note for International Space Station (Traditional Cache) at 11/18/2013
Maybe the „problem“ could be solved, if the cache becomes a „Mystery Cache“ … [;)]
vw crafter tdi posted a note for International Space Station (Traditional Cache) at 11/18/2013
@Team NarrowBoat, a D5 T5 is not easy go find….. Groundspeak please keep the cache active.
rf32 posted a note for International Space Station (Traditional Cache) at 11/18/2013
Narrowboats: em portugues chamamos-te tacanho!
JDRE posted a note for International Space Station (Traditional Cache) at 11/18/2013
Ich würde ihn gerne besuchen und die Aussicht genießen.
Intrepid Dyad posted a note for International Space Station (Traditional Cache) at 11/18/2013
They aren’t going to archive it because one person in ignorance asked it to be. Many people are watching this cache and I am sure many of them are also sick of getting notifications of people bickering. Calm down and stop spamming. This cache isn’t going to go anywhere. There is an astronaut up there now who is a geocacher. That is why we had the geocaching in space event just a little while ago.
jellis posted a note for International Space Station (Traditional Cache) at 11/18/2013
Check the Guidelines, they are allowed. Geocaches are allowed in space, on other planets and in spacecraft. We have published and will continue to publish cache listings in outer space, such as in the International Space Station or on Mars.
AbbeyAckbar posted a note for International Space Station (Traditional Cache) at 11/18/2013
See #8 of fundamental placement guidelines: „geocaches are allowed in space, on other planets and in spacecraft“
Atlas Cached posted a note for International Space Station (Traditional Cache) at 11/18/2013
This cache does not meet Groundspeak guidelines for a traditinal cache: Geocaching Guidelines Section II, part 2.1: A traditional cache consists of at least a container and logbook and is located at the posted coordinates.
Gormare posted a note for International Space Station (Traditional Cache) at 11/18/2013
One say I be there
Spoilers posted a note for International Space Station (Traditional Cache) at 11/18/2013
Looks like this one was unlocked by Groundspeak to allow Rick Mastracchio to log his find. Pretty cool.
AgTitan posted a note for International Space Station (Traditional Cache) at 11/18/2013
Please dear god someone from Groundspeak lock this cache so my inbox stops getting spammed.
lifeisabowlofkibble posted a note for International Space Station (Traditional Cache) at 11/18/2013
Knock it off. You guys are running down my phone’s battery with all the push notifications. Just think of it like a travel bug that you can discover IF YOU MAKE IT TO SPACE and move on with youR lives please. If you can’t let it go then someone needs to set up a forum and continue it there. PLEASE TAKE IT OFF THE GC post
Cornfed i falun posted a note for International Space Station (Traditional Cache) at 11/18/2013
Could you all stop spamming this cache and use the forums instead?
AstroRM found International Space Station (Traditional Cache) at 11/18/2013
FTF November 17, 2013 The geo space bug (TB5JJN1) has made it to the Russian Service Module, panel 218. He traveled from Waterbury, CT to Houston, TX to Cologne, Germany to Moscow, Star City Russia, to Baikonur Kazakhstan where it launched on a Russian Soyuz Rocket to the International Space Station. He has traveled around the space station and will continue to do so for the next 6 months. When he is not traveling he will be staying with me in my very small crew quarters. He hangs/floats on my wall and waits for more adventures while I do research and perform experiments here on ISS. Thanks for getting this little guy started Cizzors. Every journey starts with the first step and you took the first step of this one. Rick
Intrepid Dyad posted a note for International Space Station (Traditional Cache) at 11/18/2013
Go complain, bicker, and cry over here: Stop spamming everyone who is watching this cache now. You have a new place to do so. I’m deleting the thread in 12 hours from now. So save anything you wish to keep before then people post in the thread. Also I ask a reviewer to delete all logs posted today on this cache. They are all just spam.
RangerDoc posted a note for International Space Station (Traditional Cache) at 11/18/2013
A #geocaching Travel Bug (TB5JJN1) floats in the International Space Station airlock with a space walk suit. Photo courtesy of Astronaut Rick Mastracchio. Amazing!!!
interberni posted a note for International Space Station (Traditional Cache) at 11/18/2013
Ich bin sicher nicht der einzige Erdenbürger, der gerne mitgeflogen wäre.
Schade, hat nicht sollen sein [;)] Die Aussicht muss einfach genial sein [:)]
Trotzdem war es eine schöne Idee, den Flug zur ISS von verschieden Stellen
als Event geistig zu begleiten. interberni aus Germany
batresq posted a note for International Space Station (Traditional Cache) at 11/18/2013
Well, I came close to a find…ok so it was only a launch event last week, but there were hundreds of caching events centered around the launch of a US Air Force trained geocacher bringing a TB to visit this cache. Now Narrow, take a look at the listing. It says 5 stars for both terrain and difficulty, meaning you need special equipment or training to get to it. I think that covers it. I lack both the training and equipment to get there, but maybe in 10 years this can be changed to a drive up.
marbes posted a note for International Space Station (Traditional Cache) at 11/18/2013
PLEASE – Can you STOP? This is not CHAT!!!
cndndragon posted a note for International Space Station (Traditional Cache) at 11/18/2013
This is easily the coolest cache I’ve seen, and if it ever gets archived it will be a sad day for cachers everywhere whether they stand a snowball’s chance in hell of visiting the ISS or not.
Man kann sich gar nicht so richtig entscheiden, welcher Log denn nun der extraterrestrischste und tollste ist, mein Favorit ist auf jeden Fall der letzte von cndndragon: Wahrlich ein trauriger Tag, wenn der geniale ISS-Streich seiner Majestät irgendwann verschwinden würde.